Lufkin Sayers Street |
Lufkin, Texas |
The existing Sayers Street in Lufkin was concrete curb and gutter with an average of 5” of asphalt added over the years due to concrete cracking and failure. Weak soils in the area were a major contributor for the necessity to replace the street. Ditches and culverts had been installed by the City over the years to facilitate drainage, and existing utilities had reached their useful life.
Because Sayers Street allows residential, commercial and industrial traffic to pass through from Kurth Street to Abney Stree, it acts as a major thoroughfare for the City. KSA Engineers, Inc. was hired to complete this rehabilitation project.
The project consists of approximately 3,000 feet of street and utility replacement, including a water main replacement, a sewer main replacement, installation of a storm sewer, installation of a 5’ concrete sidewalk, and replacement of the existing street with a 27’ concrete curb and gutter street with asphalt surface.