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Following is a summary of the current bidding opportunities on projects designed by KSA Engineers.  Our firm distributes
plans, specifications, and other bidding documents electronically and you are encouraged to click on the project number
below to obtain more information on a project or to download bidding documents at no charge.
City of Tyler The work to be performed under this contract consists of the construction of a 300,000 gallon welded steel ground storage tank, triplex potable water booster pumping station, two 15,000 gallon hydro-pneumatic tanks, appurtenant site work, fencing, paving, drainage, fencing, electrical and control work, check valve assemblies in existing water mains, approximately 3,500 linear feet of 18 and 12 inch diameter potable water line complete with valves, fittings, tie-ins to existing piping and other appurtenances. Also included in the project are pavement repair, erosion control, and restoration of vegetation in the areas disturbed by construction. 09.25.2012 TYL.321
City of Grand Saline “Waldrip Street Reconstruction” (Re-Bid) - The work consists of furnishing all labor, equipment and materials and performing all work necessary for the construction of a new section of asphalt pavement, asphalt pavement driveways and all necessary appurtenances incidental to the construction of the project including clearing and grubbing, curb and gutter, drainage structures, erosion control, and traffic control.  09.28.2012 GS.079 (Re-Bid)
City of Italy – Water Tank and Pump Station Improvements Water Tank and Pump Station Improvements
1. 500,000 gallon pre-stressed concrete ground storage tank, piping and appurtenances
2. chemical building, fluid cooler, pumps, piping, and controls
    10.03.2012   ITL.002
City of Marlin City of Marlin – Brazos River Pump Station Improvements REBID 10.04.2012 MAR.028
East Cedar Creek Fresh Water Supply District McKay Water Treatment Plant Filter Replacement
Furnish and install welded steel filter tanks at the McKay Water Treatment Plant
10.11.2012 ECF.016
City of Groveton 2012 Water Improvements TxCDBG No.711239 10.11.2012 GRV.004
City of Mineola "Benham Interceptor Sewer Line” - The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, supervision and all else required to construct approximately 4,200 linear feet of 24 inch diameter gravity flow PVC sewer pipe and approximately 5,000 linear feet of 18 inch diameter gravity flow PVC sewer pipe.  The work shall include manholes, road bores, steel encasement, seeding, clearing and grubbing, pavement replacement, and all other appurtenant work as shown in the plans and described in the specifications. 10.11.2012 MN.130
City of Carthage Clearwell Replacement Project
(Construction of new 2.0 million gallon clearwell, site piping improvements, foundation dewatering system, site grading, removal and replacement of 200hp high service pump motor, installation of VFG’s for high service pump, high service pump discharge piping improvements, electrical, SCADA, and control improvements)
10.16.2012 CA.178
Dolet Hills Lignite Co., LLC Haul Road Bridge over LA SH 175 (3 span, 225 foot long x 44 foot wide bridge) 10.18.2012 DHL.004
Central Bowie County Water Supply Corporation Year 2009 USDA Phase II Water System Improvements – Delkalb Elevated Tank
Construct a 100,000 gallon welded steel elevated water storage tank
10.30.2012 CBC.006
Central Bowie County Water Supply Corporation USDA Waterline Improvements
Replace approximately 96,650 linear feet of 2”, 4”, and 8” water lines in Bowie County
10.30.2012 CBC.007B
Central Bowie County Water Supply Corporation USDA Pump Station Improvements
Furnish & Install new high service pumps at the Simms, Delkalb and Highway 98 pumpstations.
10.30.2012 CBC.008
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