Llano, the “Hub of the Texas Hill Country,” is located on the Llano River approximately 70 miles west of Austin. Established in 1856, Llano is known for it’s hospitality, scenery, antique stores, historic buildings, and cowboys.
The Llano Main Street Project is a program of the City of Llano designed to help its community revitalize the historical business district by strengthening existing businesses, drawing new businesses, and focusing on the appearance of the historical business district.
During this project, the City of Llano hired KSA Engineers, Inc. to construct sidewalks and lighting structures with funding provided by a TDRA - Texas Capital Fund - Main Street Program grant. The total grant was $150,000. The project included raised median/sidewalks per ADA requirements, associated ADA ramps, driveway re-construction, and historic lighting.
Other elements of this project include:
- one thousand linear feet (1,000 l.f.) of five foot (5 ft.) wide concrete sidewalk (466 sy)
- three hundred twenty four linear feet (324 l.f.) of curb,
- four (4) ADA curb ramps and landing
- sediment control
- barricades and signs
- four (4) historic light poles
- one (1) meter loop
- four hundred linear feet (400 l.f.) of electrical conduit and wiring
- related items