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Streets &  Drainage
Detention Study for 3 City Parcels
Deer Park Detention Study for 3 City Parcels
Deer Park, Texas
KSA Engineers provided professional engineering services to the City of Deer Park related to developing solutions to alleviate local flooding problems north of Spencer Highway, south of Augustine Street, east of Red Bluff Road, and west of Luella Avenue.  KSA investigated the possibility of using three vacant city properties for the development of detention ponds.  The study included gathering of existing data and field surveying, development of computer models to simulate the existing drainage conditions, the development of schematic diagrams of the proposed detention ponds, development of computer models to simulate the drainage conditions with the detention ponds in place, preparation of opinions of probable project costs, written reports, and meetings to go over the results of the study.

The study began in January 2008 and was conducted over a three month period.  It was determined that the two flooding storm events the city was concerned with were approximately 500-year storm events. Based on this, KSA proceeded with an analysis of the 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 500-year storm events for the three vacant city properties to be used as detentions ponds. Our study and analysis of these storm events, streets, inlets, storm sewers and possible detention ponds indicated that one possible pond would not provide any improvement and would be difficult to constructed, the second pond would only have an  improvement for the 5 and 10-year storm events, and the third pond would provide some improvement in a 100-year storm event.  Our study also indicated that there would be no improvement for the 500-year storm event.  Based on this analysis, the city is evaluating the possible construction of two of three possible detention ponds.

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Deer Park Detention Study for 3 City Parcels
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