This project involved the design of 4 separate street projects for a single CIP construction contract, totaling approximately 4,700 lf of 29 ft. wide HMAC residential streets with concrete curb and gutter and 3,000 lf of 39 ft. wide HMAC collector streets with concrete curb and gutter. The existing street pavement was failing in all locations. Phasing and coordination with adjacent property owners was a major factor in the design and construction of the project.
Services provided by KSA Engineers, Inc. included boundary and topographic surveying, development of plats and descriptions for property transfer, a geotechnical investigation, pavement design, horizontal and vertical geometrics design, signage and marking design, storm sewer design, and the design of water and sewer lines. KSA was fully responsible for surveying, preparation of plans and specifications, and the administration of the bidding process and the construction. KSA also provided a project representative during construction and provided construction material testing using a subcontract with a testing laboratory.