Hondo Wastewater Treatment Plant Aerator |
Hondo, Texas |
KSA Engineers, Inc. was hired by the City of Hondo to evaluate the wastewater treatment plant to determine the adequacy of the treatment processes with regard to their design capacity both hydraulically and biologically. The Engineering Feasibility Report was prepared to present the results of the engineering evaluation, alternatives available for any needed improvements, and an action plan for the long-term treatment needs of the City.
The purpose of this wastewater treatment study was to provide
the City of Hondo with the engineering information necessary to:
- Evaluate the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant including the determination of a possible new facility on the west side of the
City to divert a portion of the flows from the current plant's collection system.
- Understand treatment needs at the WWTP based on current TCEQ standards.
- Plan for future improvements including treatment capacity expansion at the current facility and/or diversion of a portion of the
flows to a new WWTP.
This study focused on the wastewater treatment facility and by necessity discussed the sanitary sewer collection system as it relates to the City's treatment needs. This report also provided the City of Hondo with the engineering information necessary to evaluate the wastewater treatment needs to plan for current improvements and future development including treatment plant capacity expansion.
This project led to an immediate prioritized project list which in turn led to the preparation of plans and specifications for the installation of a replacement gearbox and a motor for the Aeration Basin. KSA also designed a replacement walkway and second set of stairs for improved operator safety. |