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TxCDBG Sewer Imp. - Mill Street to Offield Road & Trunk Line to WWTP
Rockdale TxCDBG Sewer Imp. - Mill Street to Offield Road & Trunk Line to WWTP
Rockdale, Texas
KSA Engineers, Inc. was hired by the City of Rockdale for this sewer project.

Sewer improvements consisted of 1,130 feet of 24-inch sewer line, 2,020 feet of 18-inch sewer line, eight (8) 4-foot manholes, two (2) 5-foot manholes and connections, the removal and disposal of 1,700 feet of existing sewer line, five (5) 4-inch sanitary sewer services and cleanout, erosion control measures, clearing and grubbing around the project area, concrete curb repair and traffic control/traffic control plan. 

Other items awarded included bid alternates for Raven Lining Systems for the manholes and additional removal/plugging of wastewater lines.

Bastrop The Colony MUD No. 1, WWTP
Brady Aerial SLR
Buffalo WCS
Clute WCS
Collinsville WWTP
Diboll WWTP Expansion
Hondo Sanitary SES
Hondo WWTP Aerator
East Side Ext PI
Fairfield Mims WWTP
Gladewater Moore Lift Station & Line Replace
Groesbeck WWTP
Longview WWTP
Marlin TxCDBG SS
Mexia WWTP
Missouri City WWTP
Mount Pleasant WWTP
Northside WWTP
Prairie Creek ISL
Rockdale TxCDBG SI
Rockdale WWTP SP
Webster TDRA LSB
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