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Gladewater Moore Lift Station and Line P Replacement
Gladewater Moore Lift Station & Line Replacement
Gladewater, Texas
This project involved the abandonment of an old existing, problematic sanitary sewer lift station owned and maintained by the City of Gladewater and the construction of a new Moore Lift Station. The new lift station provided two submersible pumps, separate valve vault, 8” PVC force main and electrical controls. The project also provided for the replacement of approximately 2,300 feet of 18” SDR 26 PVC interceptor sewer line upstream of the new lift station. Other pipeline work associated with this project included the installation of 120 feet of steel casing by dry bore under the UPRR railroad to provide for the outfall of the new 8” force main.

The project was constructed within the construction schedule and final construction cost was approximately 7% under the contracted construction amount.

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Gladewater Moore Lift Station & Line Replace
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