KSA Engineers, Inc. was hired by the City of Hondo to provide design, bidding, construction administration, inspection, and post construction services for this Sewer System Improvements project funding by TDRA as part of the TxCDBG program.
The original scope of work and design plans included design of sanitary sewer improvements to include the installation of approximately 2,785 linear feet of 8-inch sewer main; approximately 1,300 square yards of pavement restoration; 8 manholes; approximately 2,785 linear feet of trench safety. Additionally, the project was designed for two construction options: pipe bursting, and parallel open cut new installation.
Based on the construction contract amount awarded and the grant funds available for Phase I, additional sanitary sewer improvements were added to the project and paid for under grant funds as Phase II. The Phase II improvements continued the phased replacement of sewer lines by replacing the line commencing at the manhole at the intersection of Avenue R and the alley between 16th and 17th Streets, thence north for 174 LF to the intersection of Avenue R and 16th Street, thence west 357 LF to Avenue S and 16th, thence 184 LF along Avenue S to the alley between 15th and 16th, thence 519 LF west along the alley between to 15th and 16th Streets to the end near Avenue U (total of approximately 1,234 LF of 8” PVC sewer). |