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Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant
Lindale, Texas
Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant
The City of Lindale hired KSA Engineers to design a new wastewater treatment facility to replace an outdated and overloaded aerated
lagoon/ stabilization pond facility. The new facility is designed to handle a flow of 1.3 million gallons of waste per day.

The project included headworks, an influent pump station, aeration basin, two final clarifiers, and a UV disinfection system. The
project also included a return sludge pump station, sludge holding tank and plastic media sludge drying beds. The design of the
facility was unique in that it was designed for a very high organic load due to a canning factory that was discharging into the
wastewater collection system.

LD055 Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant Lindale
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