Groesbeck Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements |
Groesbeck, Texas |
KSA Engineers, Inc. was hired by the City of Groesbeck to complete all civil engineering for the project acting as Project Manager and Project Engineer, including: Preliminary Engineering Report, TPDES permit, environmental assessment, hydraulic profiles, treatment unit sizing, equipment specification, construction inspection and oversight, and O&M Manual.
This project involved expansion of the existing plant from 0.525 to 0.709 MGD average daily flow with a peak two-hour flow of 1,477 gpm. Construction included:
- Modification of Aeration Basins (2 each)
- Replacement of 2 existing clarifier drives
- Addition of 1 clarifier with algae sweeps and full radius scum arm
- Construction of 1 sludge lift station
- Modification to Chlorine Contact Chambers to increase contact time
- Addition of new Digested Sludge Pump Station and Polymer Feed System
- Addition of 2 Sludge Dewatering Boxes complete with containment area
- Demolition of abandoned Trickling Filter and Sludge Drying Bed Units
- Installation of new electrical
- Site piping, grading, roads, fencing
The project was funded by the Texas Water Development Board - Clean Water SRF program.