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Hondo TxCDBG
Hondo Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey
Hondo, Texas
The City of Hondo joined the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s SSO Initiative to help identify causes and possible solutions to eliminate unauthorized discharges of wastewater from their sanitary sewer system.

As part of this initiative and the City’s SSO Plan, KSA Engineers, Inc. conducted a Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey to inspect the condition of Hondo’s sewer collection system, identified sources of inflow and infiltration, and developed a list of priority projects that would greatly reduce the potential for SSOs.

This evaluation of the City’s sewer collection system included the visual inspection of more than 500 sewer manholes, physical identification of approximately 260,000 feet of sewer pipe, and condition surveys of four lift stations.  All of the field inspection reports were compiled and sorted using the latest sewer modeling software and provided to the City in catalogue and digital formats.  The field data was also used develop the most current sewer base maps, condition exhibits, and line capacity charts to assist City Staff in maintaining and improving their collection system during daily operations.

The scope of the Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey included detailed hydraulic modeling of the collection system through multiple existing and future scenarios, which helped identify areas of inadequate capacity for both existing and future development conditions.  This hydraulic analysis, along with the collected field data, allowed our engineers to study and develop a list of nine priority rehabilitation projects, a 20-year program for general system rehabilitation, and a 20-year program for sewer collection system maintenance.  Each recommendation in the Evaluation included a detailed scope and estimated cost.

With the valuable information from the Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey, the City of Hondo and KSA Engineers continue to move forward with the SSO Initiative by identifying the most cost effective solutions, pursuing the best funding sources, and turning data into real projects that reduce sewer overflows and protect the health and safety of Hondo’s residents.

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Collinsville WWTP
Diboll WWTP Expansion
Hondo Sanitary SES
Hondo WWTP Aerator
East Side Ext PI
Fairfield Mims WWTP
Gladewater Moore Lift Station & Line Replace
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Mexia WWTP
Missouri City WWTP
Mount Pleasant WWTP
Northside WWTP
Prairie Creek ISL
Rockdale TxCDBG SI
Rockdale WWTP SP
Webster TDRA LSB
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