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Bastrop The Colony MUD No. 1, Wastewater Treatment Plant - Interim I
Bastrop The Colony MUD No. 1, Wastewater  Treatment Plant - Interim I
Bastrop County, Texas
KSA Engineers, Inc. was hired by Forestar Group, Inc. to design a new Wastewater Treatment Plant for The Colony Municipal Water District 1A.

The plant was originally designed and approved through the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) prior to The Colony MUD 1A assuming ownership.

Our engineers worked to complete the following:

  • New 100,000 GPD average daily flow wastewater treatment plant (with elements installed for Phase II - 450,000 GPD)
  • Mechanical fine bar screen with bypass
  • Extended aeration with two aeration basins using fine bubble diffusers (three blowers with installed spare)
  • Final clarifiers (45’ Diameter by 13’ SWD with algae sweeps and full radius scum arm)
  • Ultraviolet disinfection chambers (UV; 1 channel, 2 banks)
  • Return Sludge Pump Station with three pumps including VFDs (waste sludge is hauled off site) with Fine Bubble Diffuser
  • Lab and office building
  • On-Site Lift Station
  • Generator

A unique feature of note during this project was that this was Phase I of III permitted phases for new subdivision – 0.1, 0.45, and 0.9 MGD average daily flow with 3:1 peaking factor (2.7 MGD).

Bastrop The Colony MUD No. 1, WWTP
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