Crockett Raw Water Transmission Facilities |
Crockett, Texas |
The original surface water treatment plant, raw water pump station and 16” ductile iron transmission main was constructed in the mid-1960’s. In 2008, KSA Engineers, Inc. designed a plant expansion from 3.11 MGD to 6.22 MGD which included a separate contract for installation of a parallel transmission main to convey surface water from Houston County Lake to the district’s surface water treatment plant.
In order to connect the raw water pump station at Houston County Lake to the surface water treatment plant, approximately five miles of 20” PVC transmission main was installed for future capacity at the plant and also future industrial water needs capacity as requested from several prospective Biomass facilities within the area.
The 20” transmission main and surface water treatment plant expansion was funded through a Texas Water Development Board Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan. There were a total of 28 bids for the transmission main project which was completed well below the project budget.