North Texas Regional Airport, located in the booming corridor between Dallas and Lake Texhoma, sits on roughly 325 acres of land; however, only about 125 acres were being used. The entire west side of North Texas Regional Airport didn’t have access to water or wastewater utilities which was needed to enable the airport to develop a substantial part of their location.
Once given the green light to bring utilities to the airport, KSA Engineers, Inc. involved themselves in the planning, designing, bidding and construction administration of all utilities. The engineers made plans to extend the water and water utilities from the east side of the airport to the west side by crossing the terminal apron, parallel taxiway and Runway 17L/35R. The project elements included approximately 7,000 feet of 10” water main; a lift station containing pumps, valves and electrical equipment necessary to pump water or wastewater from low elevation to a high elevation; and approximately 7,000 feet of sanitary sewer force main with gravity sewer line connections and tie-ins. |