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Steve Creamer, P.E.
Steve Creamer, P.E. graduated from Louisiana Tech with a BS in Civil Engineering in 1995.  Steve joined KSA Engineers, Inc., in 1999 and is now the Manager of the McKinney Office.  Steve has experience with project scope development, cost estimating, preliminary and final design, construction administration, inspection, and other responsibilities associated with the aspects of civil and environmental engineering projects.  Steve has extensive experience on airport projects and water supply and distribution system projects.


Joncie H. Young , P.E., RPLS
Mitchell L. Fortner, P.E.
Robert L. Thurber, P.E., RPLS
Walter F. Hicks, P.E.
Michael A. Burns, P.E.
Lynn Hitt, P.E.
Lanny Buck, P.E.
Steve Creamer, P.E.
Stephen Dorman, P.E.
Craig Phipps, P.E.
John Ringler, P.E.
Suzanne Bickham
David Alexander, P.E.
Ron Crabtree
Clayton Scales, P.E.
Ned Muse
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