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Craig Phipps, P.E.
Craig Phipps, P.E.
Craig Phipps, the Manager of the Sugar Land office for KSA Engineers, has been with the firm since 1992. Craig graduated with honors from Texas A&M University with a BS Degree in Civil Engineering. Craig's primary focus is on design and construction of public works projects for municipalities. Craig has gained valuable design and construction management skills working on a variety of projects including airports, water lines, sanitary sewer lines, drainage improvements, street reconstruction and new construction, and feasibility studies. Typical projects include the design and construction of a $6 million sanitary sewer collection system, the design and construction of a $1.5 million five-lane city street extension and an $18 million airport General Aviation Complex.


Joncie H. Young , P.E., RPLS
Mitchell L. Fortner, P.E.
Robert L. Thurber, P.E., RPLS
Walter F. Hicks, P.E.
Michael A. Burns, P.E.
Lynn Hitt, P.E.
Lanny Buck, P.E.
Steve Creamer, P.E.
Stephen Dorman, P.E.
Craig Phipps, P.E.
John Ringler, P.E.
Suzanne Bickham
David Alexander, P.E.
Ron Crabtree
Clayton Scales, P.E.
Ned Muse
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