Community Involvement and Professional Associations
At KSA Engineers, Inc., we encourage our employees to become active participants in their communities. The projects that we design improve the communities in which we live and our employees have the same effect by becoming involved in volunteer activities. For example, our employees and our company are involved in the following organizations:
- Alleyfest (Longview)
- Angelina/Lufkin Economic Development Partnership
- Boy Scouts of America
- Great Texas Balloon Race (Gregg County)
- Junior Achievement
- Keep Longview Beautiful
- Main Street Lufkin
- Main Street Longview
- Nacogdoches Economic Development Corporation
- Texas Council of Engineering Companies
- Texas Good Roads Transportation Association
- Various Chambers of Commerce
In addition, our firm and our employees are very active in professional and trade organizations such as:
- American Consulting Engineers Council
- American Association of Airport Executives
- American Public Works Association
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- American Water Works Association
- AGC - The Associated General Contractors of America
- Association of Rural Communities in Texas
- Design-Build Institute of America
- East Texas Human Resources Association
- Greater Austin Contractor and Engineers Association
- National Association of Corrosion Engineers
- National Society of Professional Engineers
- Society for Human Resources Management
- Society for Marketing Professional Services
- Texas Airports Council
- Texas Aviation Association
- Texas Downtown Association
- Texas Municipal League
- Texas Public Works Association
- Texas Rural Water Association
- Texas Water Conservation Association
- Texas Water Utilities Association
- TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool
- Water Environment Federation