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Winnsboro Downtown Sidewalk Enhancement
Winnsboro, Texas
Winnsboro Downtown Sidewalk Enhancement
The City of Winnsboro secured some state and federal funding through the Texas Department of Transportation in their Enhancement
Program and desired to improve their downtown sidewalks.  This project consisted of sidewalk and streetscape improvements,
drainage improvements and provided accessibility improvements to meet current ADA standards.

KSA assisted the City with public involvement and project coordination with downtown merchants.  Significant utility coordination was
required since city and franchise utilities were in close proximity to the construction areas.  Sidewalk and streetscape improvements
had to be reviewed and approved by TxDOT, Texas Historical Commission, and the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation,
Architectural Barriers.

KSA provided construction plans, contract documents and technical specifications to current TxDOT standards.  KSA also assisted
TxDOT with some construction administration services on behalf of the City of Winnsboro.   This project greatly improved the aesthetics
and safety of downtown Winnsboro.
Crockett Civic Center Shelter & Generator
Fairfield Downtown
Huntsville Public Library Renovation
Kilgore Downtown Infrastructure
Longview Fredonia St Cotton to Whaley
Longview Tyler Street from High to Green
Lorenzo Downtown Sidewalk Recon.
Lufkin Downtown Street & Utilities
T.B. Butler Fountain
Winnsboro Downtown Sidewalk
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