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downtown development
Huntsville Public Library Renovation and Expansion
Huntsville, Texas
Huntsville Public Library Renovation and Expansion
More than 80 percent of the residents in Huntsville voted to approve the renovation of the local library. The $3.5 million bond would more
than triple the size of the current building, increasing the square footage from 7,000 to 22,000. It would also provide greater space for
meetings, programs, studying, parking, and  — of course — library materials such as books and movies.

KSA Engineers, Inc. was hired as a sub consultant to do the site design for the City of Huntsville’s library expansion. Services provided
by KSA included detailed boundary survey; preparation of a site plan including tree survey, topographic information and locations of
existing structures; and improvements of existing utilities for the new City of Huntsville library.

Crockett Civic Center Shelter & Generator
Fairfield Downtown
Huntsville Public Library Renovation
Kilgore Downtown Infrastructure
Longview Fredonia St Cotton to Whaley
Longview Tyler Street from High to Green
Lorenzo Downtown Sidewalk Recon.
Lufkin Downtown Street & Utilities
T.B. Butler Fountain
Winnsboro Downtown Sidewalk
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