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Collin County airport opens new runway, eyes commercial future
City council seeks streets study proposal
General Aviation Airports:
A National Asset
Breath of Air
News Articles
2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009
Collin County airport opens new runway, eyes commercial future
Source: - Star Local News
by Chris Beattie
A flight toward commercial aviation out of McKinney reached a new
height Thursday at the Collin County Regional Airport with the first
takeoff from its new runway.
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City council seeks streets study proposal
Source: - TheGladewaterMirror.com
By Christina Lane
The Gladewater City Council has asked a consulting, management, engineering company to provide a proposal by May regarding performing a study of the city’s streets and infrastructure.
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General Aviation Airports: A National Asset
Source: - Federal Aviation Administration
The FAA recently published "General Aviation Airports: A National Asset", a report that evaluated the 2,952 GA airports across the US.  This report creates 4 new classifications of GA airports, including National, Regional, Local, and Basic categories.  Although the FY 2013-2017 NPIAS report will begin incorporating these new categories, it is yet to be determined how the new categories affect facility requirements, funding, or grant assurances.  Follow the link below to read more and find out how your Airport is classified.
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Breath of Air
Source: TPO - Treatment Plant Operator Magazine
by Pete Litterski
Operators at the Grace Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant in Longview, Texas, expect significant savings from an energy efficiency project that includes replacement of two of five older aeration blowers with high-speed, high-efficiency units.
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